PostModule #2, Facebook Group, Blogs, and Comments

What’s new?

Module 2 is now available! I also completed all the course videos (50 in about 3 weeks!), so be on the lookout soon for Modules 3 and 4 to be live, too!

If you’re reading this on the site, then you’ve discovered I’ve also created blog posts out of these updates. If I figure out a good reason to have other posts, those will be here, too. Find the most recent posts in the sidebar, or in the top menu.

I’ve enabled comments on each course page, so you can leave your thoughts on each lesson right there. Over time, I’m excited to see what different students think.

You can also subscribe to comment threads in case you’d like to keep up with the conversation. You have the option of turning this on right in the comment section of each page—each page is a different subscription.
